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zoom logitech event4Presentations and Demos

The Experience Center at Profound Technologies offered attendees the opportunity to experience innovative technology solutions firsthand with live demos and presentations with our hosts Kevin Busza, COO of Profound Technologies and John Stearns, Head of Zoom Spaces at Zoom.

A variety of product demonstrations were showcased at the event including Zoom Workplace Reservation, Logitech Rally Bar Huddle, Zoom Smart Gallery, and the Logitech Sight Camera to help attendees find solutions for their workspace and hybrid work models moving forward. Read the descriptions and watch the videos below.




Zoom Workplace Reservation

With Zoom Workspace Reservation, team members can reserve a desk or workspace ahead of time or at the office using Zoom's office reservation system. This is an easy-to-use platform that helps modernize workspaces and provides space optimization solutions.

John Stearns, Head of Zoom Spaces at Zoom, explained, "A lot of our customers are condensing real estate, they're renovating their spaces, putting more collaborative conference rooms in place, and one trend we've been seeing is they've been moving away from assigning dedicated desks to every employee.”

Workspace Reservation includes hot desking functionality, but also includes support for local and remote reservation of phones and Zoom Appliances, QR code check-in, reservation of available workspaces or Zoom Rooms, and more.



Logitech Rally Bar Huddle and Zoom Smart Gallery

The Logitech Rally Bar Huddle, one of the newest Zoom Room appliances, is perfect for huddle rooms or huddle spaces between 2 to 5 people. This all-in-one appliance includes built-in camera, microphones, speakers, Logitech AI features, as well as support for Zoom AI features and capabilities. 

Zoom Smart Gallery is a Zoom Rooms feature that uses cutting-edge hardware and AI to create individual video feeds of in-room participants, which provides remote workers with a clear view of participants. Smart Gallery integrates with Logitech Rally Bar Huddle to frame individual faces of participants to deliver a more equitable meeting experience for everyone.



Logitech Sight Camera

The Logitech Sight Camera is ideal for end users looking to bring meeting equity to their Logitech Rally systems. The Sight Camera works with Microsoft Teams, Zoom and Google Meet, however it will not operate as a standalone USB camera input for a non-Rally system. This device has multiple built-in cameras with a 360-degree view and also adds additional microphone elements to the meeting room table, so the audio experience improves too.




zoom logitech event1Door Prize Giveaways

The event concluded with four lucky attendees who won our door prize giveaways, which consisted of a variety of Logitech technology products.


Networking and Food

Thank you to all the attendees who enjoyed this time of learning, networking, and catching up. We hope you enjoyed the event and the delicious catered food from Montesano Brothers.  We always appreciate the opportunity to reconnect with you and hope to see you at our next event!


Schedule Your Visit to the Profound Experience Center

Profound Technologies will demonstrate various collaboration room solutions and find the best fit for your organization's meeting spaces.


Come by one of Profound Technologies' Experience Centers, located in the Philadelphia area and Southern California or request a remote demo. Schedule a demo today!
